What Type of Fireplace is Best for You?

There are few pleasures as comforting as gathering around a warm fire on a cool day. A fireplace creates instant ambiance, adds a striking element to your home décor, and provides the perfect place for friends and family to relax. You have several choices when it comes to fireplace design. While there’s a fireplace for any family, there’s no single installation that will work for everyone. These considerations will help you find the best fireplace for your home.

Ease of Use

If you’ve never had a fireplace before, it’s important to consider the steps that go into building and maintaining a fire. A gas fireplace is much easier to use because starting and extinguishing a fire is as easy as flipping a switch. Maintenance for a gas fireplace is simple as well, with little work needed aside from occasional servicing by a professional.

A wood fireplace requires a bit more knowledge as you must build and feed the fire. Cleanup is extensive as well. You must clean out the fireplace as well as the chimney when you have a wood burning fireplace. Extinguishing a wood fire takes more time and the hot logs and ashes can pose a safety hazard around small children or pets.

Design and Décor

Today’s fireplaces are as much for decoration as they are for function. It’s unlikely that you’ll need to actually cook at your fireplace or wood burning stove. While the warmth is welcome, it’s probably not your only source of heat. Both wood burning and gas fireplaces come in a variety of shapes and styles. At first glance, a gas fireplace can look very similar to a wood burning fireplace.

A wood burning stove has a very different appearance. A traditional stove gives the home a rustic look that’s ideal for a cabin or similar décor theme. Today you can also find wood burning stoves with a sleek modern look to complement contemporary décor.

Cost Effectiveness

If price is a primary concern, you should consider both the price of the initial installation and the cost of maintenance and upkeep. Fuel for a wood burning fireplace is more affordable, but you must have adequate space to store this fuel. If you can only purchase wood a few logs at a time, you might miss out on some of the cost savings. A wood fireplace or stove will also cost more if you need to hire a professional to clean and maintain it rather than doing it yourself.

If you’re interested in lowering your heating expenses with this installation, a wood burning stove is the best option. While fireplaces offer only minimal heat, a wood burning stove can effectively warm up your home. Stoves also use less wood than fireplaces and burn more efficiently

Home Ambiance

Whether wood or gas, the hearth is a gathering place for family and friends.  It’s a place to unwind and talk about your day.

Consider the needs and preferences of your family and you can easily narrow down your options and find the best installation for your home. There’s a warm option available for any family Contact us today to book your free design consultation.